2021 Edition

The City in 2100

This theme invited us to rethink our lifestyles and our urban spaces. What will the sustainable and pleasant city of tomorrow look like? What links to territories and rural spaces? Participants were invited to produce a story that would provide a credible and original vision of cities in 2100.

The jury paid attention to the story, the quality of the plot, and the formal implementation; but also and above al to the realistic nature of the background, the city in which people live.

En attendant Cléo GRAND PRIZE Short novel/Scenario
from CASES Anne-Laure

The short story En attendant Cléo takes us to the day of May 21, 2105, in a Paris emptied of its cars, its pollution, its incessant noise. It's very hot, but it's good to live there. Vertical farms, high-altitude forests on top of buildings, artificial lakes to collect wastewater,

Vivaldi 2100 Organizers favorite Comics/Graphic novel
from LE SAOUT Orane, LARMINAY Camille

In 2100, in order to fight against the rarefaction of resources and the dramatic consequences of climate change, cities, which have become hubs of innovation, have created exchange programs compatible with the drastic limitation of international transport in order to promote the circulation of knowledge and to engage the inhabitants more deeply

After Utopia Comics/Graphic novel
from KUHN KM, SHAO Sophie Z.

This comic depicts a future city called the Agropolis. The story follows the history of the Old Quarry farm and the lives of some of its community members, exploring how transportation, labour rights, social care, etc.,

Canopée Short novel/Scenario
from BUIGUES Jean-Robert

Canopée is the story of an unusual job interview between the city recruiter Cléa and the candidate Léo, a pretext for the reader to discover the futuristic Paris of 2100.

Le Troisième Oeil Short novel/Scenario
from BRUNEL Catherine

The story takes place in a district of Paris that has been transformed by major disasters during the 21st century. It shows how society is organized around desirable and sustainable housing projects. The plot revolves around the

Papillon perdu Short novel/Scenario
from PERLMUTTER Franck

In Papillon perdu, we follow the day of Naomi, a scientist very committed to the harmonious cohabitation of humans and other species. A seemingly ordinary day, from the morning wake-up call to the classic scrolling of the hours of a

The Reconciliation of Knoll Short novel/Scenario
from MERKLE Julien

This short story explores, through the eyes of four characters, a vision of the 22nd century where societal innovation takes centre stage. While clean energy, urban farming technology and efficient public transport are important as the

Jury members
Anne F. Garréta
Duke University

Novelist and professor of literature at Duke and Rennes 2 Universities, member of OuLiPo. Among her novels, Pas un jour was awarded the Prix Médicis in 2002.

Antoine Buéno

Writer specializing in utopia and science fiction, he teaches at Sciences Po and is an advisor to the French Senate, responsible for monitoring the work of the Sustainable Development Commission and the Foresight Delegation. His book, Futur, notre avenir de A à Z (ed. Flammarion) is a must-read for all futurists.

Benoît Peeters

Author of some fifty books, translated into many languages. An essayist and biographer of Hergé, Jacques Derrida and Paul Valéry, he is also the scriptwriter of the famous comic strip series Les Cités obscures (ed. Casterman), in collaboration with François Schuiten.

Célia Blauel

Deputy Mayor of Paris, initially in charge of Ecological Transition, Climate and Water. Since 2020, she has been in charge of the Seine, Prospective Paris 2030 and Resilience.

Image of © Joséphine Brueder / Ville de Paris
Cristian Jimenez

Filmmaker and short story writer, his films have been part of the official selection of festivals such as Cannes, San Sebastián, Sundance and Toronto, among others. He has also directed music videos for artists such as Mika and Indochine. He heads the Audiovisual Creation Department at Universidad Austral (Chile).

Erik F. Øverland

President of the World Futures Studies Federation, WFSF, and co-editor/co-founder of the European Journal of Futures Research, EJFR. Visiting scholar at the Freie Universität Berlin and Senior Policy Advisor to the Norwegian Minister of Education and Research. He is the author of several books and scientific articles on future research, including CARPE FUTURUM. How to manage the future, (ed. Cappelen 2010).

Marie-Christine Lemardeley

Deputy Mayor of Paris, in charge of Higher Education, Research and Student Life since 2014. Professor emeritus of American literature, specializing in John Steinbeck, President of Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle - Paris 3 between 2008 and 2014. She is a Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, Chevalier de l'ordre des Palmes académiques and Officier de l'ordre national du mérite.

Image of © Joséphine Brueder / Ville de Paris
Sophie Tran

Deputy Director of the Cinema Unit at ARTE. A graduate of the Ecole des hautes études en sciences de l'information et de la communication (CELSA), she previously worked at France Télévisions, where she was cinema program advisor and deputy director of program acquisitions for cinema and foreign fiction.

Members of the Scientific Advisory Board
Learn more about the role of the scientific advisory board
Georges Amar

Futurist and consultant in mobility, associate researcher at the Theory and Methods of Innovative Design chair at Ecole des Mines ParisTech. He was director of RATP's "foresight and innovative design" unit. His publications include Aimer le futur (2013) and Homo Mobilis (2016).

Anne Charreyron Perchet

Member of the editorial board of Futuribles magazine, she is an independent urban planner and consultant, having worked for several years for the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, in charge of sustainable cities. Her latest work focuses on urban resilience and innovation. She works as an expert on a European scale on projects linked to urban mobility and smart cities.

Christina Garsten

Professor of Social Anthropology at Stockholm University and Director and Permanent Resident of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies (SCAS). She works in the field of organizational anthropology, with a particular focus on globalization processes, socio-cultural dynamics and forms of governance. She is particularly interested in the creation and use of foresight and scenario-building activities for knowledge creation.

Thierry Gaudin

Honorary Engineer of Les Mines, Founding Chairman of Prospective 2100, he founded and directed the Centre de prospective et d'évaluation (CPE) at the French Ministry of Research and Technology. He has produced foresight reports for the European Commission, the World Bank, the OECD and others. In 1993, he published 2100, récit du prochain siècle.

Fabienne Goux-Baudiment

Doctor of Social Sciences, founder of proGective - a center for foresight study, research and consulting, she has chaired the World Futures Studies Federation and the Société Française de Prospective, and held the chair of Prospective, Innovation and Immaterial Capital at Polytech Angers as an associate professor. As an international lecturer, her research work, following on from the 'Great Transition', now focuses on the X.0 development model.

Bettina Laville

Honorary State Councillor, Doctor of Letters, Sciences Po laureate and ENA alumna, Bettina Laville is President and Founder of Comité 21, Editorial Director of the transdisciplinary journal Vraiment Durable and a member of the ITM Scientific Committee. She was responsible for preparing the Rio, Kyoto and Johannesburg conferences. She created the Festival du film de l'environnement in 1982 and has been co-founder of the Festival des Nouvelles Explorations since 2016. A teacher at Science Po for 10 years, she is notably the author of L'adaptation au changement climatique, une question de sociétés published in 2017 with CNRS.

Hank Kune

Director of Educore BV in the Netherlands and founding partner of Future Center Alliance. Specializing in the development of methodologies for innovation and change, he supports the need to address societal challenges through collaborative innovation projects. Co-initiator of the Global Lab for Societal Innovation and the Positive Cartography initiative. His work on innovation-friendly environments - centers of the future and living labs - has helped many organizations achieve ambitious goals.

Helga Nowotny

Emeritus Professor of Social Studies of Science and Technology, STS, at ETH Zurich, and former President of the European Research Council, ERC. Her books include An Orderly Mess (CEU 2017) and The Cunning of Uncertainty (Polity, 2015). Her next book, In AI We Trust. Power, illusion and control of predictive algorithms will be published by Polity in 2021.

Jean-François Soupizet

Doctor in Economics, Scientific Advisor to Futuribles International, consultant in international development and digital strategies. He has devoted his career to information and communication technologies (ICT) in the context of development.

Jacques Theys 

Professor at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, he is vice-president of the Société Française de Prospective and of the Plan Bleu Méditerranéen. He was formerly head of foresight at the French Ministry of Sustainable Development and Scientific Director of the French Institute for the Environment (IFEN). He is interested in the themes of the environment and sustainable development - in their relationship with society and democracy - from the local to the global, from the most distant past to the most distant future. His publications include Repenser les villes dans la société post carbone.