Stimulating the imagination and promoting a desirable and livable future!

The Positive Future initiative, supported by the Institut d'études avancées de Paris and the Fondation 2100, aims to make foresight work widely known, to enable everyone to imagine a livable and desirable, yet realistic future, and to share positive and inspiring visions tomorrow’s world.

"Work in 2050" contest

December 5th 2023
Launch of the contest

March 26th 2024
Opening of the platform for submission

May 6th 2024
Dealine to submit

June 18th and 21st 2024
Announcement of winners and final webinar

An initiative from Paris Institute for Advanced Study and the 2100 Foundation, with the support of the Agence nationale pour l'amélioration des conditions de travail and the Institut national de recherche et de sécurité.